Molly Jacobs is a fifteen-year-old girl who think it's time to find a job. She and her friends decide to apply to Manga, the coolest clothing store around. When Molly gets the job, she starts realizing that not only does she love it, but that she's really good at it too. She's a natural! Soon her friends start to ask her for small favors, like coupons, and discounts. But the "favors" they're asking keep getting more and more extreme.
Molly isn't sure what she should do: Should she follow through with stealing some clothes for her friends from Magna the trendy girls clothing store where she works? Or should she do what she knows is right, even if it means losing her newfound popularity? Girls ages 10 to 15 make the choice in this interactive story and see how the consequences change Molly's life. Includes a contract and prayer to remind the reader of the importance of making godly decisions.
I thought this was a really cute book for tweens/young teens. It was like a choose-your-own adventure book....about the fashion industry! (I kind of wish there were more choices throughout the book because I think it's just a really fun idea for a book!) The moral message is very real and relatable. I think every teen in retail has or will face the issues presented in this book. I also thought it was so fun to see how the story could've played out depending on what choice Molly decided to make. I really appreciated that even when she makes the right decision, it didn't mean that life was going to be easy. And when she chose poorly she was forgiven, but still had to live with the consequences.
is a great book for Christian t(w)een girls to help reinforce their values and help them make difficult decisions.
Other Scenarios for Girls books:
Nicole has a great web site to help teen girls talk about the issues they're dealing with.
Reagan & Bransen's mom
I think it's Magna not Manga
I am reading it now.
I just read this book today and I loved it! Great review!:) I just posted my own over at my blog:)
I'm so glad you liked it! If you like Christian YA, have you tried Erynn Mangum's books? She's really good!
Here's a couple of links to reviews my daughter, Kit, did!
The Maya Davis series: Cool Beans
The Lauren Holbrook Series:
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