
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Maximum Ride (Manga) #1 by James Patterson

  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Yen Press; 1ST edition (January 27, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • Buy the Book: Amazon 
 Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride knows what it's like to soar above the world. She and all the members of her "flock" - Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel - are just like ordinary kids, except they have wings and can fly! It may seem like a dream come true to some, but for the flock it's more like a living nightmare. When the mysterious lab known as the "School" turns up and kidnaps their youngest member, it's up to Max to organize a rescue, but will help come in time?

 This book is AWESOME!!! I know Reagan did a review on the novel, but this is the manga, it's different. Anyway, this book was even better than Reagan described! From the very beginning there was action and danger, and it kept me on the edge of my seat. The setting is always changing, and with the whole manga thing you get to see all the different places. It's pretty cool. You should read this book.

My favorite characters were not what everyone expected. Reagan always says that I pick the hottest dude, and she is way in love with Fang so she thought I would pick Fang. I picked Iggy. As soon as he told Gasman, "Bombs are good, I love bombs." I loved him! He is blind, but really smart, and cool. I also like Gasman, he's awesome because he came up with the idea of blowing up the bad guys. And of course, who couldn't like little Angel? She is soooooo cute!

I didn't like Ari so much, he was cool and had big muscles and he looks good in a suit, but dudes that ripped creep me out. I didn't like Fang as much as everyone told me I would, he seemed kinda weird, and he needs a haircut.

There was some language in this book, just two things, but other than that the book was pretty clean. *Puts on hypnotizing eyes* You mussst read thissss book!!


  1. But first read the book! The Manga leave SOOOooo much out and add things that where not in the books

  2. And Fangs hair was not so long in the book!

  3. ari is my favorite person because he is so confident and he shows wonderful hatred he is cool :)

  4. i think fangs hair is just fine


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