
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Plain Girl By Virginia Sorensen

Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 168 pages
Publisher: Sandpiper; 1-Simul edition (August 1, 2003)

An Amish girl, Esther feels like "one black bird against the sky" in her plain clothes. So when she's forced to attend public school she's terrified. She fears the new world she must enter, fears the way she sticks out next to other kids, and--most of all--fears she may do what her brother did: run away and join the sinful but great wide world she's only just discovering.

Esther is Amish, and she is forced to go to school for the first time ever.  She didn't know how she felt about that, but her dad got really angry and stopped talking to everybody.  Once she got there, she didn't know how to feel.  The other kids in the class laughed at her, until one day the popular girl in the class talked to her nicely, then everyone stopped laughing at her.

This is my history book so I needed to read it but it was pretty good. My favorite character is Esther because she is strong and willing to help anyone! Then it is Mary, Esther's new friend from school!  I wouldn't want to live in this time period because there are no computers(how would I blog???). But, I think the story was good because everyone always has hope so that is cool!  If you're looking for a good book, that also might teach you something, you should check this one out!

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