
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Book Review: Mallory on the Move by Laurie Friedman

Reading level: Ages 8-10
Paperback: 158 pages
Publisher: First Avenue Editions (November 2004)Language: English
ISBN-10: 1575058316ISBN-13: 978-1575058313

          • When you move, everything changes: your house your neighborhood, your town, and, worst of all, your friends. I know. I'm Mallory McDonald, age 8 1/2 plus 1 month, and that's exactly what happened to me. She's leaving everything behind, including her best friend. And to make matters worse, she's going to be living next door to a boy. Why cant life be like it was before her parents ruined it? How will she make new friends? what will happen when she gets stuck in the middle of an old friend and make a new friend? Mallory knows just one thing for certain, she's going to find out!   

          • My Review
          • I loved this book! Yeah, I think I would read it again, and yes.... I loved the book! the character that I really liked had to be Mallory and her best friend, they would always have to have the same nail-polish on and everything! I liked them. I didn't really like her brother, he would make fun of Mallory and her friend, he would call her Bird-Brain! HAHA! But I kinda' thought it was funny! HEHE! :) I really liked the book and I liked the story line! there was nothing bad in it, only that Mallory's brother had a bad attitude! 

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