Directed by John Schultz ("Aliens in the Attic"), "Judy" stars Aussie thesp Jordana Beatty ("Superman Returns") as the titular Judy Moody alongside Heather Graham as her aunt as the third-grader sets out to have the most thrilling summer of her life.
The script, penned by Kathy Waugh and Megan McDonald, is based on the characters in McDonald's nine-title children's book series, published by Candlewick Press with over 13 million copies in print in 23 languages.-Variety
I haven't read this Judy Moody book yet, but i think i will have to now! I did read Judy Moody was in a Mood (review) and i liked it a lot. Here's a picture of Jordana Beatty:
I think she looks like a good Judy. What do you think? Are you going to go see it?
Woo Hoo! My 6 year old daughter loves Judy Moody, though she hasn't read this particular one.
ReplyDeleteThanks for passing this info along! It's very exciting.