
Friday, December 3, 2010

Dragon Keeper

Dragon Keeper
  • Reading level: Ages 9-12
  • Paperback: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Hyperion Book CH (March 27, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1423101715
  • ISBN-13: 978-1423101710

In the time of the Han Dynasty in ancient China, the last remaining dragon is in danger of being killed by the cruel Emperor. A nameless orphan with no past and an uncertain future becomes his unlikely ally. The young orphan soon discovers that it is her destiny to protect the aging dragon and his mysterious purple stone. Chased by an evil dragon hunter and a powerful sorcerer, their adventure is not easy.  Each must learn to help and understand the other if they are to survive. To succeed in her task, the young orphan must reach deep within herself to find courage she never knew existed. No longer can she be the timid, shy orphan she once was. She is now the one, true Dragon Keeper.

Plot Summary:
There is a slave girl.  She is a slave to Lan of the Han Empire.  She finds out her name with the help of a dragon.  The last emperial dragon.  They escape together and start their journey to the ocean witha  dragon stone and a dragon slayer tailing them trying to capture the dragon.

Main Characters:
Ping: The slave girl and dragon keeper
Danzi: The dragon and the reason that they are going to the ocean
Diao: The dragon hunter
Lio Che: The Emperor
Wang Cao: The dragon's old friend and a herbalist
Hua: Ping's rat companion

 This story took place in China.  Sometimes in farms, palaces, the ocean, forests, people's houses, the Huan Empire and so on.  They are pretty much traveling the whole time in this book.

Personal Opinion:
I really loved it!!!  I liked reading about a dragon.  The dragon on the cover really caught my attention!  Hua, Danzi, and Ping were my favorite characters.  The book was really exciting and adventurous.  It is really weird because she keeps getting betrayed by close friends.  There are many twists and turns.  Even though a lot of friends betray her, I would still recommend it to everyone!    


  1. REAGAN! you look older in that picher! anyway, that book looks really good. and, MAN YOU LOOK OLDER!!! :) =) soooo.... hiw old are you again?? ~Anna

  2. I like dragons too...that's sad she got betrayed by so many of her friends!!

  3. I love dragons too! Thanks for the review this book is going in my collection.

  4. This book sounds great! Thanks for the review.

  5. I like dragon books too.

  6. Great review, Rea. I agree with AnnaBanana. You do look older just since August. Growing up too fast!


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