
Friday, November 19, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

               Entering #12 Grimmauld Place
The Reading Teen team has been anxiously awaiting for opening night, for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I was so excited my heart was pounding. Now, I know what your saying... "this thirty-six year old mother of five is way too dramatic about Harry Potter!" Well, yes I am! I have been listening to the audiobooks in my car for a solid year now. So, I have the HP bug bad.

receiving Dumbledore's last will and testament
The lights go down... I'm whispering to Andye, that my heart is pounding. She smiles.
The first scene is Minister Rufus Scrimgeour giving a speech to the Ministry of Magic and The Daily Prophet. Hearing Hedwig's Theme by John Williams is where I get excited, since I hum the tune all the time.
Deathly Hallows begins with a bang! I was on the edge of my seat for a solid forty-five minutes, in tears and laughing in the first ten minutes. The scene where the Order had to move Harry from Little Whinging to the Burrow was so funny, intense, and sad. One of my favorite scenes in the whole movie, so well done, it's crazy.
Headed to The Burrow
This movie is definitely the darkest of them all. I would have to say that it also portrayed the book pretty well. Of course, the acting among the cast just gets better with time and age. I really enjoyed the chemistry among them in this particular movie. They just nailed every emotion and watching them scream, cry, and laugh at each other in different scenes was heartwarming. Also, Ron falling even more in love with Hermione and seeing all three of their friendship's grow even stronger, was emotional, to say the least. (I feel like an emotional head case)
The only negative thing I would have to say about the movie is, I needed more time with all the other characters. Madeye Moody, Snape, Dobby, Hagrid, Ginny, and even the wretched, horrible, Professor Umbridge.  I felt like their time on the screen was so very brief. I know if I had it my way, Deathly Hallows 1 would be eight hours long.
Looking at James and Lily Potter's grave in Godric's Hallow
The cinematography of the movie is amazing, everything was so pleasing to the eye. It definitely had it's creepy moments, like when Hermione and Harry decide to go to Godric's Hallow. That scene was intense.

 So, in the end, the movie had a great  perfect mix of everything... Laughing, excitement, action, humor, crying, intense, sad, anger, regret, love, betrayal, I could go on and on... Let me just say, you will not be disappointed!

Get your tickets and GO see The Deathly Hallows today. I know I will go a couple more times.

* The pg-13 rating is well deserved for this one. Some mild language, many very intense/scary/nightmarish scenes, and a very unnecessary moment where Harry and Hermione kissing while noticeably nude. (no detail, but you can see their silhouettes)


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