
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Congratulations to Harry Potter and Percy Jackson!!

The winners of the TEEN READ AWARDS are in and, YAY!!!  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows won BEST ALL TIME FAVE!!!  We couldn't agree more with this!  We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Harry Potter books!!

Also, the best book-to-film winner was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Book 5)And winning the BEST HERO award is PERCY JACKSON, from The Last Olympian!  This was one of our all time favorite books, so a BIG TIME congrats goes out to Rick Riordan for the win!  

If you haven't read these books yet, we can't recommend them highly enough!  They are awesome, awesome, awesome!

If you'd like to know the rest of the winners, check out READING TEEN!

(a couple of years ago Reagan, Bransen, and Kit dressed up as Luna, Harry, and Hermione from Harry Potter!)

1 comment:

  1. That is super exciting! Reagan, Bransen and Kit look great!


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