
Need A Review?

We have seven kid reviewers at Reading Tween and we would be happy to consider your book, movie, or video game for honest review. We are also happy to do author interviews, giveaways, and other types of promotions for you.

Please contact us at with a brief description of the book, video game, etc. We post our reviews on this blog, and on commercial (Amazon, Borders etc.) and reader websites (Goodreads etc.) We are interested in anything Elementary/Middle Grade(Tween). If you have a preference as to who reviews your book please include that in your email. Also, if there is any "questionable" content (language, kissing, violence), please include that in your email as well so we can pick the appropriate reviewer. Thanks!

At this time we are only excepting hardcopy/paperback books for both ARCs and published books.


Austin, Age 13 (boy)
Faith, Age 12 (girl)
Andrew, Age 11 (boy)
Anna, Age 10 (girl)
Reagan, Age 10 (girl)
Adrian, Age 8 (boy)
Bransen, Age 8 (boy)

Part time Reviewers:

Abigaile, Age 16
Kit, Age 15
Amy, Adult (mom)
Andye, Adult (mom)
Janeth, Adult (Nana)

So, we've been watching our moms and older sisters do reviews for Reading Teen for awhile now and thought it was time for us to do our own blog, with our own reviews.  But, we're not just sticking to books.  We do like to read a lot, but we like to do other things too.  So we're doing our blog, our way, and if you're a tween, or have a tween in your life, you might like to hear what we have to say.

Hi!  I’m Reagan.  I may be small, but I’m the toughest 10-year-old around.  The things I like to do the most are playing the computer, and read great books.  I love fantasy books!  I also really like to write stories.  If my book ever gets published, you better read it!  The books I like reading the most right now are the Warriors books, and my favorite video computer game is “Howrse”.   I’ll tell you more about that later!  :]

Hey I'm AnnaBanana! I'm the girly girl on the block. I love to play video games, I'm killer at Rockband or Guitar Hero. Besides painting my nails or rearranging my bedroom, I also like to read girl books like Judy Moody and I love Nancy Drew novels. I am a big Harry Potter fan. I listen to the audiobooks with Jim Dale, it is pretty much a normal thing at my house and at Bran and Reagan's house also. I can't wait to get started on reviews for you, I'm excited. P.S. This gave my parents a reason to give me my own email account. YAY!!!


Hey, I’m Bran, the coolest 8-year-old you’ll ever meet! My favorite things to do are play baseball, play with my friends, and play the computer or Wii. The books I like to read are mostly fantasy or mystery. Harry Potter is my favorite because it’s both. Most books I “read” are actually on audiobook. That’s my favorite way to “read”. My favorite computer game is Pirates of the Caribbean.

What's up guys? This is Drew. My favorite thing in the world is that I play the drums for a band after school plus I play the drums on stage for my church! I'm excited about reviewing some video games for you guys plus reading a little. My favorite series is The Series of Unfortunate Events which I will review for you later on. OH, The face painting lady asked me what I wanted when it was my turn and my answer...BACON!>>>>>>>

My pic of Eiffel Tower
Well my name is Adrien and I will do some book reviews and some video game reviews but my specialty is movies!!! I have watched Spiderman over 100 times and I loved the new The Karate Kid! I am the man when it comes to movies. I'm obsessed with the Eiffel Tower in Paris right now and I'm drawing it constantly.I will get busy on those book reviews, I will not be as fast as Reagan or Anna but I'll have more cool!!! know me!  I'm Austin from Reading Teen, and I'm here to keep these kids in line.  I'll be posting my own reviews here, too, just to make things a little more interesting!