Saturday, September 18, 2010

Who are We?

So, we've been watching our moms and older sisters do reviews for Reading Teen for awhile now and thought it was time for us to do our own blog, with our own reviews.  But, we're not just sticking to books.  We do like to read a lot, but we like to do other things too.  So we're doing our blog, our way, and if you're a tween, or have a tween in your life, you might like to hear what we have to say.

Hi!  I’m Reagan.  I may be small, but I’m the toughest 10-year-old around.  The things I like to do the most are playing the computer, and read great books.  I love fantasy books!  I also really like to write stories.  If my book ever gets published, you better read it!  The books I like reading the most right now are the Warriors books, and my favorite video computer game is “Howrse”.   I’ll tell you more about that later!  :]

Hey I'm AnnaBanana! I'm the girly girl on the block. I love to play video games, I'm killer at Rockband or Guitar Hero. Besides painting my nails or rearranging my bedroom, I also like to read girl books like Judy Moody and I love Nancy Drew novels. I am a big Harry Potter fan. I listen to the audiobooks with Jim Dale, it is pretty much a normal thing at my house and at Bran and Reagan's house also. I can't wait to get started on reviews for you, I'm excited. P.S. This gave my parents a reason to give me my own email account. YAY!!!


Hey, I’m Bran, the coolest 8-year-old you’ll ever meet! My favorite things to do are play baseball, play with my friends, and play the computer or Wii. The books I like to read are mostly fantasy or mystery. Harry Potter is my favorite because it’s both. Most books I “read” are actually on audiobook. That’s my favorite way to “read”. My favorite computer game is Pirates of the Caribbean.

What's up guys? This is Drew. My favorite thing in the world is that I play the drums for a band after school plus I play the drums on stage for my church! I'm excited about reviewing some video games for you guys plus reading a little. My favorite series is The Series of Unfortunate Events which I will review for you later on. OH, The face painting lady asked me what I wanted when it was my turn and my answer...BACON!>>>>>>>

Check out my lastest drum video (it's fast so hold on):

My pic of Eiffel Tower
Well my name is Adrien and I will do some book reviews and some video game reviews but my specialty is movies!!! I have watched Spiderman over 100 times and I loved the new The Karate Kid! I am the man when it comes to movies. I'm obsessed with the Eiffel Tower in Paris right now and I'm drawing it constantly.I will get busy on those book reviews, I will not be as fast as Reagan or Anna but I'll have more cool!!! know me!  I'm Austin from Reading Teen, and I'm here to keep these kids in line.  I'll be posting my own reviews here, too, just to make things a little more interesting!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world you guys!This is so great that you guys are beginning to blog at such a young age. I've read a lot of what you've got on here and I love it! Keep up the good work!

April X said...

Ahh this is exciting :) You guys are so cool, I totally wish I could do all this when I was your age :P

Teril said...

I love the exploding building behind Bran. This is a great idea. My daughter is always harping on me for being on webpages about book reviews on books I am reading. Now I can pass this site on her her and tell her she is reading too much ;)


Good job everyone!
Can't wait to see all your reads.

Christine said...

I can't wait to read your reviews! I wish I had an outlet like this when I was your age. *jealous* :)

A Canadian Girl said...

I'm really excited to see your reviews and find some new books for my younger brother and cousin to read :)

Jenilee Antonio said...

Hello Reagan, AnnaBanana, Bran, Drew, Adrien, and Austin! :) You guys are so cool, I wish I was an adventurous kid as you are when I was your age. :) Anyways, keep it up! :)

ljeni at

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

What a wonderful site! You are the coolest kiddos around. You should see who gets more hits--you or your parents. :)

Good luck! You're off to a great start!

Amy S.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

Elzahh said...

I love it!...'kids reviews by kids', it's great!

I can't wait to read your reviews... oh, and welcome to the blogging world :D

hope you have fun!


Cass said...

Nice place you got here! Looking forward to the reviews you guys produce. :)

Misha said...

Welcome to book blogging! I am sure you will have loads of fun!
I am a follower now.Your reviews would really help me with finding books for my younger cousins.


Teresa (Read All Over Reviews) said...

Welcome to the blogging community, you guys!!

Teresa C

Enbrethiliel said...


The tweens are taking over!!! =D

How could I not follow?

It's great to meet you guys, and I look forward to reading everything you have to blog in the future. =)

Ani said...

Hey, you there.
Super cool blog. I hope you`ll help me to understand what my little sister would like, cause recently this has been a challenge for me.
One big WELCOME in the blogging world.

Mariana Dal Chico said...

Welcome to the blogging world you guys!

I look forward to reading your reviews!


Dovile said...

Hi everyone! Looking forward to reading your reviews.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

jen7waters said...

Hi there young people! best of luck to your blog!


jen7waters said...

btw I follow!


Michele said...

Best of luck on your new blog! I work at a library and it will be great to see what you like (and don't like).
I'm a new follower.

Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale said...

hey guys! Congratulations on the blog it looks great! it will be great to see what you guys will be reading!

Brittany said...

hey guys can't wait to read some of your reviews

Lacey J Edwards said...

Lol! You guys are awesome. Love the blog!

Nadinax said...

This is great! Congrats on the new blog! I hope you guys have a lot of success with it, but best of all that you enjoy it, reading is the best thing ever <3

Anonymous said...

I'm so very excited to find your blog!! There aren't enough blog focusing on tween books. Welcome to the blogging world!

foltsfantasticbooks at

I also tweeted.

Charis said...

You guys already have more 'proper' posts than I did in a month. Can't wait for what you have in store!

Charis said...

Oh, and I followed. And tweeted! :D

Pagecrawler said...

Great site - can't wait to read your reviews!

Pagecrawler said...

Oh and I followed you with GFC and tweeted here

Ana Norte said...

Love you guys!
It's look like this is going to be a great blog! I'm super excited for you!
See ya!

Ana Norte said...

I follow your blog (with GFC) and I tweeted:

Mrs. DeRaps said...

What a great idea for a blog...I can't wait to read about the books you're liking (and not liking).

mrsderaps @ hotmail . com

xlacrimax said...

I hope reading your reviews will be as much fun as it was reading your introductions! :)

Margaret said...

This is really awesome! Loving the way you rank your reviews! Congrats on your first site with your 12 posts so far and in hopes for many more reviews to come! I'm really liking them all so far. (And I totally agree for what you said about learning the myths in 'percy jackson')
Have fun getting more followers and the royal treatment :)


Ruth said...

forgot to say I entered the giveaway on the other blog!

Anonymous said...

Your website is awesome! I love how your website is for kids and run by actually kids, it is brilliant! :)

Smash Attack Ash said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Smash Attack Ash said...

How completely awesome are you for starting a book blog for the Tween scene! Kudos to you and your parents. Much luck to you.

I would like to be entered in the 2nd Hand Saturday giveaway!

+2 New Follower
+1 Tweet!

SmashAttackReads at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first blog. I am a really impressed. I can't wait to read your reviews. I am now a follower.

Vicky said...

This is so awesome! I can't wait to start reading your reviews! I wish I had a mom that cool who had opened a blog for me!

I followed and tweeted about you:

Hopefully you'll get many followers! Good luck!

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Hey guys, nice blog and reviews. :)

Lilly said...

What a nice blog you guys have! And I'm looking forward to your reviews.
Have a great weekend!

Book Loving Mommy said...

Great blog! I can't wait to read your reviews to get some ideas on new books for my kids!

I'm a new follower now too!

Book Loving Mommy said...

Great blog! I can't wait to read your reviews to get some ideas on new books for my kids!

I'm a new follower now too!

Alejandra De la Fuente said...

Its great that you guys got into 1) books 2) blogs... and i checked out the blog and it has preeeety good books. Keept it up

carmenpaigee said...

Congrats on the blog! I'm glad to see kids reading!
I'm a new follower and I tweeted you guys!! (:

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

You guys just exceeded awesome! I'm so glad to see this blog, and I'll def be linking to it on Ink Spells!!

Go you!

Shaylin said...

Such a good opportunity for young people--I love to see tweens reading! I have a 10 year old bookworm at home, I'm recommending this to him. Happy reading!

Cialina at said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!!! :) Love to see some Potter fans out on the internet. Hope you guys have fun with blogging... but mostly reading!

FallenVamp said...

Wow guys this is so awesome that you guys are into reading at such a young age. At your age my parents had to force me to read, but nowadays they have to force me to put my books down. lol.

wbbusby at

Cicely said...

Aww.. You guys are so cool... I wish I was that cool when I was your age, I just keep on getting lamer and lamer :P

brandileigh2003 said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

Lisa Potts said...

Congrats on your new blog, guys and gals! I have a tween daughter who will love your reviews.

Christinabean said...

I'm a new follower and can't wait to see what you guys have to offer! I have a young niece and nephew and I'm always looking for good reads for them. Welcome to the blogosphere! :D

Anonymous said...

Keep it up and good luck!


Ashley said...

How fun! This is such a good idea! I hope you all enjoy reading and blogging! It's a lot of fun!

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Aws, that's pretty awesome!!
I'm sure you are going to have heaps of fun blogging and reviewing!

Happy blogging then!

Just So Jess said...

Pretty cool, guys! Can't wait to read some of your reviews so I can get some ideas for my nieces and nephew.

Kulsuma said...

your blog is absolutely awesome! hope to read loads of reviews from you!


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! You guys are awesome! I want sidekick reviewers!!! I have no drummer, I have no Eiffel Tower artist, I get my gamertag handed to me on videogames, so I need a gamer sidekick for sure! Jeez...I'm jealous. =) Looking forward to seeing what you guys put out there!

Judi - Sidhe Vicious said...

My jaw is still on the floor after watching Drew on the drums!! He's amazing. Going to town with some death metal, lol. WOW.

Welcome to Blog-Landia and I look forward to seeing what you kids think about the books and movies that you read & see. Awesome looking blog too. I'm having blog envy big-time here. :-D I will definitely be sending my nephew here to check you out.


*Jam* said...

Welcome kids to the wonderful world of books! Here you are to prove that everybody is able to enjoy reading, you just need to be given the opportunity and the right incentive. So read a lot and share with us!

PS: I so wish I could play the drums, Drew!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world. You already have so many followers! I can't wait to hear your reviews!

And that picture of the Eiffel Tower is great! I've been to Paris, and I'll tell you that you sure nailed it! That's exactly what it looks like. :)

Emilie said...

Welcome to the blogging community and it's great that you guys started blogging. Having younger opinions around is always great!


Reena Jacobs said...

Very exciting. I've been trying to get my girls to blog, but they're not into it. Welcome to the world of blogging!

reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com

Read for your future! said...

WOW welcome! This is exciting. My kids were excited about your blog now they want one.

AUDIOBOOK Will Grayson, Will Grayson by Devid Levithan and John Green

Thanks for the giveaway

I will be watching for more reviews.

Brianna Bruce said...

I love this! Good luck with your blog-I can already see it becoming a huge hit in the blogging realm! I would like to enter the Secondhand Saturday Contest, please.

+2. I'm a follower! (under my real name, Brianna Bruce)

+1 I tweeted about you under my alias MaidenMyth!

I hope that I'll win! I send you the best e-wishes on your blog. : )


Unknown said...

Awww the video hehe ;)

Hope you love blogging!!


Sharli said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! It's so cool that you're all doing this together!
Good luck! ;)

EVA SB said...

Great start in the blogsphere!
I must introduce my kids to this blog.
Have fun!

Chrystal said...

Congrats on starting your book blog. Looks great! :)

aurora M. said...

Great job guys!
Welcome to world of Blog
Keep spreading the word!

Sissa said...

Lovely blog guys ^^ I look forward to reading your reviews.

+2 I am a follower

katsrus said...

Nice to meet you all. Love the look of your new site. What a great idea for a blog. I am a new follower.
Sue B

buddyt said...

Great design of your blog.

The red and black is very dramatic.

Hope you guys keep on reading and reviewing for a very long time and garner lots of Followers.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

I have joined as a Follower

Gaby G said...

Welcome to the book blogger community!! Your blog looks amazing ;)


Judit said...

Wow cool blog! I love the name:) I wish you many many new followers - I'm one of them.
I hope I'll find some good recommendation here...


judittten at gmail dot com

max said...

A boy - A Flashlight - A book...A True Story

ferretvamp14 said...

Congratulations on your new blog! I look forward to seeing everything y'all do with it! Love the layout!!


ATeenAtHeart said...

This is a great idea! Love the layout and can't wait to read some reviews!


+2 New Follower
+1 Tweet:

Lis said...

Welcome to the book blogger community!! *--* (Awwn, you all look so cute!)

I just loved the layout, it looks incredibly awesome ;D

+2 I'm following this blog (Lis)
+1 I tweeted about it:

lismagol at gmail dot com

Mysteriousrose said...

This is great congrats on your blog:-)

+2 follower (mysteriousrose)
+1 tweeted:


Raissa Lopes said...

just love YA books! nice blog, guys!
+2 follower "Raah or Raissa Lopes
+1 tweeted: